The valuation of intellectual property includes a systematic analysis of the assets owned, used or acquired by a company. Our evaluation methods result in a complete and weighted report.

  • IP Valuation

  • IP Valuation methods

  • IP Valuation report

IP Valuation

The valuation of intangible assets (patents, trademarks, designs, domain names) often revolves around a technology, possibly protected by several industrial property rights. The first step of the valuation is the strategic diagnosis. The second step is the implementation of the methods of valuation of industrial property rights, in compliance with the ISO-10668 standard.

IP Valuation methods

The valuation methods are: the cost method, the market approach, and the revenue method. While the cost method is often criticized, it is still used in software valuation or to determine a floor price. The market approach includes the search for comparables. The revenue method often (but not exclusively) includes rNPV (risk-adjusted net present value).

IP Valuation report

Our reports begin with a strategic diagnosis, which will make it possible to ask the necessary hypotheses. This diagnosis is supplemented by legal expertise, marketing data, and the implementation of financial valuation methods. Finally, the weighting of the different results in the light of the particular situation leads to a numerical value.