Founded in Paris in 2009, ICOSA quickly anchored its development in Europe by creating an office in Brussels in 2013.
83 Avenue Denfert-Rochereau 75014 Paris FranceLYON
68 Cours Lafayette 69003 Lyon FranceBRUXELLES
Rue d’Oultremont 371040 Brussels
Sophia-Antipolis Centrium, 230 Route des Dolines 06560 Sophia-Antipolis FranceMARSEILLE
Les Docks, 10 Place de la Joliette, F - Atrium 10.6, 13002 Marseille FranceMONTPELLIER
FLEX’O Montpellier Saint-Roch, 80 rue Isabelle Eberhardt 34000 Montpellier FranceINTERNATIONAL
ICOSA’s international presence is reflected in the animation of a network of foreign associates who work with national offices to protect and promote the inventions of ICOSA’s clients around the world.
ICOSA is also requested by patent offices abroad to become the patent attorneys of their clients at the French Intellectual Property Office (INPI), the European Patent Office (EPO) and the Belgian Office of Industrial Property (OPRI) on behalf of their clients.

Network of foreign associates
ICOSA’s network of foreign associates covers all strategic countries for our Clients, mainly in Asia (Japan, Hong Kong, China, South Korea) and America (United States, Canada, Mexico and Brazil). Our foreign associates carry out filings with foreign patent offices as well as the defense and maintenance of rights in these areas.

International presence
ICOSA is active internationally through its network of correspondents and strengthens its presence and influence every year when attending international conferences such as BIO Convention, INTA, AIPPI, JPMorgan, FICPI, Licensing Executives Society, PTMG .